Rejuvenation Retreat for Leaders and Project Teams
Return to The Zone . . .
where Innovation and Creativity Abound
In today’s society everyone’s life is fast-paced and time-constrained. We are constantly multi-tasking, doing our best to keep all the plates spinning.
As a leader in your organization, you likely experience even higher demands. Achieving your mission depends on the quality of your vision, clarity, and creativity. Stress reduces your capacity. People depend on you.
Leadership & Performance Company (LPC) offers a 5-day retreat designed to renew your leadership capacity at a deep level. We offer you an environment in which you can unwind and de-stress – body, mind and spirit. We’ll provide a beautiful, natural setting, high-quality food, and plenty of time to rest and reflect.
We’ll also plan optional activities for you each day that will open your creativity, inspire insights, and provide new tools that you can take with you. The experiences of the week will renew your enthusiasm and the possibilities that you can imagine.
You will share the retreat space with a small group of other leaders or team members, each of whom will add richness and texture to expand your insights and enjoyment. Teams will find a deeper quality of appreciation for the contributions of each member. From the connections created over the week, productivity will unfold upon return to the workplace.
Each retreat is customized for the group attending. You will be asked for input as to what type of activities and experiences would be best suited to your goals.
Optional activities might include:
- Physical modalities (such as massage, easy movement, audio relaxation programs, and “buffing”) to release stresses from the body.
- Outdoor activities to let you sync your vibration to nature’s.
- Games and entertainment to get you laughing, dreaming, playing.
- Working with the fundamentals of language to enliven your individual communication and increase your organization’s success.
Examples might include:
a) finding, refining and practicing the declaration that will inspire your organization to high performance;
b) listening exercises to increase your ability to understand and meet the concerns of others; and
c) playing Fact or Fiction, a game to distinguish when and where interpretation (“spin”) enters into your assessments.
We offer this retreat both for individuals and for teams.
For teams . . . we can customize the retreat to address your concerns for relaxation, recreation, reward, and team-building.
Please contact us to learn the details of our next Rejuvenation Retreat.