You Are Invited to SalesPlay On-line Training

Our participants increase their results
by 22 to 36% . . . or more!

Come Play With Us:  REGISTER HERE

SalesPlay is a sales methodology that is complementary to, or a replacement of, traditional selling.  We call our method SalesPlay because it is based on the quantum principles of curiosity, attraction and magnetism. With SalesPlay, the client actually closes the sale.

You can eliminate the stress often associated with quota-based selling.  Instead, discover collaborative teamwork which takes you first into an unknown Zone, then into surprising new levels of service, and ultimately to closed business.  It is now possible to come home from work energized instead of drained. Authentic service from an context of curiosity produces new results.

We have the algorithm.

Learn new distinctions and fall in love with selling.

Our method was developed by Martin and Mia Sage who based their groundbreaking sales distinctions in curiosity on four decades of observations.  Every great sales person has learned how to create curiosity in their product or service as a fundamental skill.  Attraction is fun.  And how easy would it be if your client closed you?

Complimentary introductory calls:  Thursdays, May 17 and 24, 6 – 7 pm MDT

Come and bring a friend to experience the environment of the call and meet the leaders. You are welcome on either or both calls.  There is no need to pre-register.

To join these calls, simply click on the link below.  You may first be prompted to download Zoom.  If you need it, the password for these calls is:  teamwork

If you do not have access to a visual device, dial by phone into the conference @ 646-876-9923. Enter Meeting ID # when prompted:  695 895 186

If you are ready to make sales become pleasurable
as well as profitable . . .

you can participate in the full 10-week online course via ZOOM:
Thursdays, May 31 to August 2, 6 – 7 pm MDT

Investment:   $150 paid in full before May 31 (best value) or
$50 each month for four months (May 31, June 30, July 31 and Sept. 30)

If You Are Ready . . . Register Here

SalesPlay is an Innovation in Selling.

 How does SalesPlay work? 
Simply put, one learns to observe the distinctions of:

  • Establishing rapport,
  • Inviting curiosity,
  • Following the other’s curiosity, and
  • Fulfilling curiosity when they ask closing questions.”

We say SalesPlay is the ultimate way of modeling dignity in the world.


Our sales algorithm is based in enrollment.  Enrolling others into your product or service through curiosity is a significant departure from traditional selling in 5 ways.

  1. SalesPlay invites curiosity in another person by asking imaginative questions that open new possibilities. By focusing on imagination instead of problems, creativity soars in you and your listener.  This type of relationship-building upgrades the “personal” relationship selling model where the seller looks for common interests to talk about such as golf or tennis.  SalesPlay enables both parties to discover new possibilities together.  Each person addresses one another’s desires that may not have even been imagined or articulated previously. The day-to-day sales “rut” is replaced with an enlivening dialogue of new possibilities rooted in mutual curiosity.
  1. SalesPlay replaces a personal agenda with a declaration of commitment to your overall quarterly aims. We remove the pressure to make something happen with deepening one’s commitment to absolute success – a paradox that works in the Zone of high performance.  Your prospect can sense even subtle pressure in a sales conversation.  Pressure interferes with authentic trust building.  SalesPlay yields to the mutual curiosity of both persons.  Instead of an immediate single sale, you may get a corporate referral with tremendous potential, for example.  SalesPlay builds trust in ways most people have never been taught.
  1. SalesPlay prevents objections before they occur. This sales process shifts from a seller-directed conversation to a collaborative conversation where the buyer’s curiosity becomes the focus. SalesPlay leaves the client asking you, “How can I assist you?”  Or, “how can we move forward?”

  1. Just as children anticipate going outside to play a game with their friends, the seller and buyer enter into an exciting game together. SalesPlay is playful, energizing and develops a buyer-seller collaboration for future possibilities — possibilities based on both parties’ desires.  The seller and buyer become a team. Synergy soars.  This relationship can bring forth 3, 4, or 5 times more productivity than traditional sales approaches.
  1. Focus on effective actions (not hard work) using a customized score card. Just as a thermostat measures the temperature in a home for continuous heating or cooling comfort, the SalesPlay score card provides feedback to continuously improve one’s competencies. This process allows for SUPER-learning.  We un-school you in letting go of negative self-judgments and instead, offer more effective strategies using teamwork and performance feedback.

SalesPlay promises to assist you to:

  1. Live your important values. Engage in weekly declaration practices and receive helpful feedback to live your commitment to your game.
  2. Assess your skills and prioritize your learning aims.
  3. Discover where to find your ideal clients.
  4. Distinguish the 7 steps of the sales process.
  5. Tell engaging stories that demonstrate the benefits of your product or service.
  6. Leverage team selling – a departure from being a “lone wolf”.
  7. Foster curiosity – direct the conversation to more energizing outcomes.
  8. Learn the algorithms of SalesPlay.
  9. Use a daily/weekly scorecard to ensure you are cultivating continual pleasure.
  10. Prevent objections.
  11. Shift a negative mood using our Million Dollar Mood Protocol (© 2016 Patricia Shull)

Join Us for this Adventure!